Volumetric Path Tracing Framework (VPT) is a free open-source visualization framework developed in WebGL 2.0. It allows loading raw volumetric data, selection of different rendering techniques and definition of transfer functions (when needed).
The framework was developed as part of Master Thesis of Žiga Lesar. The code is available on GitHub.
A test deploy of the application is available at:
The framework has been extended with a convection-diffusion-based illumination as part of Uroš Šmajdek's Bachelor Thesis. The code is available on GitHub. A test deploy is available here (requires WebGL 2.0 Compute support).
Ž. Lesar and M. Marolt, "Interaktivna vizualizacija gosto poseljenih volumnov," Uporabna informatika, vol. 28, iss. 3, pp. 154-160, 2020.
[Bibtex]@article{33422595, author={Žiga Lesar and Matija Marolt}, year={2020}, pages={154-160}, volume={28}, title={Interaktivna vizualizacija gosto poseljenih volumnov}, journal={Uporabna informatika}, number={3}, }
Ž. Lesar, C. Bohak, and M. Marolt, "Real-time interactive platform-agnostic volumetric path tracing in webgl 2.0," in Web3d 2018 : proceedings, 2018, pp. 1-7.
[Bibtex]@conference{1537821891, author={Žiga Lesar and Ciril Bohak and Matija Marolt}, year={2018}, pages={1-7}, title={Real-time interactive platform-agnostic volumetric path tracing in WebGL 2.0}, booktitle={Web3D 2018 : proceedings}, }