About us

Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Multimedia is one of research labs at Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana.

We perform R&D and teaching in the fields of multimedia technologies, human-computer interaction and computer graphics. We collaborate with partners in a number of national, EU and industrial projects and also have extensive experience in developing software solutions for desktop, mobile and cloud platforms.

Research topics include:

WaveformAudio processing and music information retrieval audio understanding, organisation of music archives
TeapotInteractive 3D visualisation and games
medical imaging, VR/AR, game based learning

Lab members

Featured projects

  • Schmarnica: automatic elucidation

    Automatic approaches for elucitation of organic compounds....

  • Point Cloud Visualisation

    Point cloud data processing, enhancing LiDAR and LADAR datasets through reconstruction, segmentation, modeling, rendering, and...


    Development and testing of pedagogical approaches and strategies, and flexible forms of learning, which will...

  • TeachXR

    TeachXR empowers teachers to enhance education with immersive XR technologies in schools....

  • Transcription of bell chiming recordings

    We are exploring automatic transcription of bell chiming recordins. Bell chiming is a Slovenian folk music tradition...

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