About us

Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Multimedia is one of research labs at Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana.

We perform R&D and teaching in the fields of multimedia technologies, human-computer interaction and computer graphics. We collaborate with partners in a number of national, EU and industrial projects and also have extensive experience in developing software solutions for desktop, mobile and cloud platforms.

Research topics include:

WaveformAudio processing and music information retrieval audio understanding, organisation of music archives
TeapotInteractive 3D visualisation and games
medical imaging, VR/AR, game based learning

Lab members

Featured projects


    Development and testing of pedagogical approaches and strategies, and flexible forms of learning, which will...

  • Metahuman

    Developing a software support for the process of training professionals for leading challenging conversations with...

  • Piano music transcription

    Transcription of music could be defined as an act of listening to a piece of...

  • HCI research

    We are exploring how different input devices can be effectively used in 3D visualizations and...

  • PerceiveConceive

    A web-mobile solution, which will be appropriated for the learning process of the blind and...

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