In the project Lifelong learning, sustainable development and a long-life society: development of learning content, strategies, evaluation and a system of micro-credentials for older students (Vseživljenjsko učenje, trajnostni razvoj in dolgoživa družba: razvoj učnih vsebin, strategij, evalvacije in sistema mikrodokazil za starejše študente), which is one of the Pilot projects for the renewal of higher education for a green and resilient transition (ULTRA projects), we lead the work package Digital literacy for older people (Digitalno opismenjevanje starejših).
The main objective is to improve the digital competences of older people through reverse mentoring (younger people as mentors for older people). Computer science students act as counsellors to older people (60+) who want to develop their digital skills. The advice is individualised and tailored to the level of digital competence of the person being advised. As part of the project, we will also develop several short courses on topics that have proven to be of particular interest to the target group (e.g. phishing and security on the internet, working with photos on mobile phones and in the cloud). ICT Counselling Website (IKT nasvet).
The work on this project is closely related to our activities within the Age Friendly University (Modra fakulteta) network.